Other Projects

  1. NYNJ harbor deepening project
  2. Kill Van Kull serpentinite rock
  3. Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission (PVSC) Tunnel
  4. Kill van Kull Palisades diabase rock
  5. Arthur Kill Passaic shale
  6. Kill Van Kill rock blasting vibrations
  7. Newark Bay
  8. Material separation of black silt
  9. Enhancement of the Hackensack River
  10. Refinery Docks
  11. Mapping of Berry’s Creek
  12. Narrows crossings
  13. Arthur Kill oil pipeline crossings
  14. Fragmented low-porosity limestone in Kazakhstan
  15. CO2 sequestration in deltaic sands in Italy
  16. Fabric in Middle East carbonate
  17. Differing site conditions